COVID-19 Update: Until further notice...we will NOT be implementing our mason jar recycling program, but instead, we are providing eco-friendly, BPA-Free 12 oz and 16 oz plastic bottles with tamper evident caps. We recommend you reuse these handy spill-proof bottles at home...
Please take advantage of our simple mason jar recycling program. Return your rinsed jar(s) and lids from your previous MJC purchase for a new jar(s) - filled with green goodness - OR pay a $1 deposit/jar for your next round of juice. We want to incentivize our customers to help us reduce and reuse, while keeping our costs down. Bring a jar. Take a jar. You may return your jars in the white 4-pack cardboard carrier for a refill. Thanks for helping us make this program work for everyone! Jar Return Baskets are located at all or our late pick up sites listed on our Home Page.
At Mountain Juice Co., not only do we recycle and reuse our juice jars, we keep waste to a bare minimum. We squeeze every bit of sweet green juice ("mountain nectar") out of our produce, and salvage the vegetable pulp byproduct for things like garden compost, dog treats, muffins, soup stock, and more!
Stay tuned as we bring you additional information on the important ways Mountain Juice Co. works in a sustainable way. Not only do we drink green. We live and work green too!
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